Gorillamove Brand Identity

Welcome to our Gorillamove Brand Identity Project Showcase!

Gorillamove: Pioneers in Fresh Grocery Delivery 🍏🚚

Gorillamove has taken the grocery delivery industry in Bangladesh by storm. As the fastest-growing instant fresh grocery delivery platform in the country, they've revolutionized the way Bangladeshi households access the freshest produce, pantry staples, and daily essentials.

Committed to Excellence Around the Clock 🕒

At Gorillamove, the customer is king, and their commitment to bringing unbeatable quality, convenience, and value is unwavering. Picture this: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, they're at your doorstep, ready to meet your grocery needs. This dedication to service sets them apart in the industry.

The Creative Collaboration: An Exhilarating Experience 🎨

Our journey with Gorillamove was nothing short of exhilarating. As their creative partners, we had the incredible opportunity to shape their visual identity and convey their values to their audience.

Designing the Gorillamove Logo 🦍

The logo we crafted for Gorillamove is the embodiment of their brand essence. The mighty gorilla, their mascot, symbolizes strength, agility, and reliability. Its friendly demeanor mirrors Gorillamove's approachable nature and commitment to customer satisfaction. We left no stone unturned in ensuring that every detail of the logo resonated with their brand identity.

A Vibrant Color Palette for Trust and Freshness 🌈

Colors can speak volumes, and for Gorillamove, we chose a vibrant color palette that evokes trust and freshness. From the lush greens representing the freshness of their products to the bold blues and warm oranges signifying reliability and friendliness, these colors form the visual backbone of Gorillamove's identity.

Continuing the Journey: Delivering Quality and Convenience
Our collaboration with Gorillamove doesn't end with the logo and brand identity. Together, we're on a mission to deliver unbeatable quality and convenience to their valued customers' doorsteps, 24/7. We share their vision of enhancing the grocery shopping experience for Bangladeshi households and are excited to be part of this journey.

Supporting Growth and Success 🚀

As Gorillamove continues its meteoric rise in the grocery delivery industry, we stand firmly by their side, ready to support their growth and success. Our partnership is a testament to the power of design and branding in propelling businesses forward.

Stay tuned as we showcase the design elements, images, and creative insights that went into crafting Gorillamove's outstanding brand identity. Together, we're making waves in the world of fresh grocery delivery. Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey!

Have you appreciated my work? Don't hesitate any longer; let's connect and elevate your brand together. Your vision deserves the attention it deserves. Lets Connect, and we can begin crafting your project to perfection.

Ali Raza Abbas

An adept Freelance Graphic Designer and Prolific Blogger, Ali brings a wealth of expertise in graphic design and mastery of design tools to create visually captivating content. With a keen eye for aesthetics, Ali Raza crafts compelling visual narratives that leave a lasting impact. facebook twitter telegram quora


  1. Thank you ali for a good job, task was done on time, took into consideration the budget, and had very good communication and result

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